China's Language University List 27 Universities

China's Language University

Study in Beijing Language and Culture University

  • China's best language university.

  • The real leader in Chinese education since 1962.

  • The only international university in China, and is highly respected.

  • It has the longest history, the largest scope, and the most qualified teaching faculties of its kind in the area of teaching the Chinese language and culture to foreigners.

  • International recognition for outstanding academic performance.

  • Total immersion in the Chinese language.

  • Affordable, accredited and quality Chinese language programs.

  • Total Beginner to Proficient classes available.

  • Short Term programs: 4 to 12 weeks.

  • Long Term programs: Semester or Academic Year.

Study in BLCU
Study in Beijing International Studies University

  • One of the most international universities in China.

  • It adjoins the famous Beijing CBD (Central Business District), easy to get a part time job.

  • It is a university famous for tourism management.

  • One of the first authorized HSK exam centers in Beijing.

  • Two types of scholarship funded by Beijing Municipal Government and China National Government respectively.

  • Everything on campus is well-prepared and teachers are very nice to students.

  • The city is prosperous and has good communications.

  • The university is in the downtown of the city, and it has easy access to metro and intercity commuting systems.

Study in BISU
Study in Beijing Foreign Studies University

  • The first institution in China specializing in foreign language studies

  • It placed 191 in the world in 2009 - QS Top Universities 2009 Ranking.

  • It ranks No.1 in language teaching in China.

  • From short-term and long-term Chinese program to English taught degree program.

  • American-based business management curriculum, partnered with Chinese studies (Chinese language, Economics, cultures, laws and social studies).

  • International student body with multi-cultural study and living environment.

  • Learn from the vast knowledge and experience of international faculty from top universities around the world.

  • For business students: Latest thinking - regular lectures and seminars by business leaders and visiting scholars.

Study in BFSU
Study in Shanghai International Studies University

  • The university is an internationally recognized, prestigious academic institution.

  • One of the Best 5 Universities in Shanghai for Chinese learning.

  • Long-term Chinese programs: Semester or Academic Year.

  • Summer programs and Winter Programs available.

  • The university has the worldwide reputation in language training. The Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) of SISU is awarded the highest ranking by AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, as the only Asian university among the 15 top professional conference interpreting schools in the world.

  • The university has established 7 Confucius Institutes in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America.

  • World Class Facilities for Language training: A powerful digital audio-visual database containing multimedia resources in foreign studies has been set up to serve the needs of teaching and research. The University also houses a range of state-of-the-art teaching facilities including world-class simultaneous interpretation systems, satellite signal-receiving devices and linguistic laboratories.

  • Highly respected by Russian students for the university was named as Shanghai Russian School in the beginning.

Study in SHISU
Study in Instant Mandarin
Instant Mandarin
City: Chengdu
Level: Ordinary
Type: Language
Location: Urban
Attribute: Private

Study in IM
Study in SN Mandarin
SN Mandarin
City: Shanghai
Level: Ordinary
Type: Language
Location: Urban
Attribute: Private

SN Mandarin Chinese School, or South & North Mandarin, is named for the directions on a compass.

Study in SN Mandarin
Study in Beijing Foreign Studies University - School of International Relations and Diplomacy

  • Four curricula education levels including Bachelor, Double BA, Master and Doctor.

  • Master’s degree of politics (first level discipline) is granted, and five second level disciplines are included, which are Chinese and Foreign Political System, International Relations, International Politics, Diplomacy, and Public Diplomacy.

  • The only institute that arranged a master’s program of a second level discipline of public diplomacy on its own.

  • The first institute that established diplomacy department in China and developed it into a distinctive specialty of state level.

  • Advanced research on Chinese Issue Studies, Big Power Relations and Diplomacy, State and Regional Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, UN and International Organizations, etc.

  • A multilevel interdisciplinary teaching system based on practice with advantages in cultivating interdisciplinary and bilingual talents in fields of diplomacy and foreign affairs.

Study in Shuoba!
City: Beijing
Level: Ordinary
Type: Language
Location: Urban
Attribute: Private

  • Free Chinese Lessons!

  • All of teachers are full-time teachers with experience in teaching Chinese as a second language.

  • In an all-Chinese speaking environment, students will be able to learn the true nuances of the Chinese language.

  • Comprehensive course system & practical curriculum.

  • Detailed and specific level, through a free Chinese proficiency test, teachers will design a personal study plan which will improve students' proficiency further.

  • Shuoba! offer free online lessons for students, so they can review lessons at anytime of the day.

  • Comprehensive and friendly service, including top-quality course consultants and support services.

  • Regular feedback and evaluation to improve teaching quality.

  • Periodic tests to ensure the students are progressing at the expected rate.

Study in SHUOBA

Language Universities

A language university in China helps international students to learn Chinese and enable Chinese students to learn foreign languages in China. As China continues to develop, more and more international students would like to learn Chinese. China has established many language universities and about 457 Confucius Institutes around the world to spread Chinese culture and language around the word. Some popular language universities in China are: Beijing Foreign Studies University, Tianjin Foreign Studies University and Shanghai International Studies University.
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