Study in SWFU Check details about Southwest Forestry University

Detailed Information About Southwest Forestry University

Introduction of Southwest Forestry University

1. Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) Introduction
Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) lies in the northeast part of Kunming, which is known through the country as “Spring City” for her mild climate and dramatic landscape and also the capital of Yunnan Province, P. R. China. Solely established in the western region of China with specialty in forestry, SWFU is a comprehensive university providing multi-disciplinary courses in forest conservation and sustainable utilization, landscape construction, forest engineering, bio-technology, eco-tourism, agricultural and forest economy, business administration, computer science and technology, and English education.
SWFU is situated adjacent to the Golden Temple forest area and Kunming World Horticulture Exposition Garden. Located in the water and forest conservation district in Kunming, SWFU is proud of her ecologically friendly campus in a natural oxygen bar with chirping birds and green trees and plants coming into blossom around the seasons.
SWFU recruits international students for long-term and short-term programs in Chinese language learning, in addition to its regular undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Chinese language and other specialties. SWFU specializes in Chinese language, forestry, environmental protection, tourism, landscape construction, horticulture, wood processing, and natural resources conservation. If you are interested in these academic fields, you are warmly welcome to study or carry out academic co-operation and exchanges with SWFU, wherever you come from foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan.
SWFU has the honor of appointing Prof. Lu Jianji, and Prof. Lu Wenhua, of Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) as our long-term consultants for Chinese teaching as a foreign language, as they are acknowledged national experts in their academic fields. SWFU is committed to teaching quality and providing excellent environments for international students. You will learn from highly qualified faculty who have their master’s degrees in Chinese as a foreign language major and graduated from the first-class national universities such as Beijing Language and Culture University, Shanghai International Studies University, Zhejiang University, Jilin University, Sichuan University, Jinan University and Miami University.
2. Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) Review
"The environment of campus is very pretty.We can see trees everywhere,and the air is fresh,living here is comfortable."-Marvin
3. Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) Teaching quality
-Supported by The State Forestry Administration, the Education Department of Yunnan Province.


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